Making Happy {at home}: March 2016

DIY Grocery Tote

March 28, 2016
As far as I’m concerned the world can be divided into two groups of people: those who love Aldi in an almost cultish way and those who just don’t get it {yet}. I’m a proud practitioner of the “Aldi Way of Life” and I am forever trying to convert people and bring them over to the dark, yet surprisingly healthy and affordable, side...



DIY Decorated Mixer

March 25, 2016
First, let me say that this was not my idea. I tell you this because what you are about to see is nothing short of amazing and I just can't take the credit for it.  Friends. LOOK at my mixer!!!! Isn't it ADORABLE!?!? I kid you not, an hour ago that thing was functional, but it was boring and white and blah and...




March 21, 2016
Hello & Welcome! My name is Heather & I am so happy you are here! When I am not writing in this space or drooling over photos of food, you will find me reading a book for the 100th time, tending our 4 chickens, fluffing our nest, hiking with our dog, sitting around the fire drinking wine with friends, or camping with my...


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