Making Happy {at home}: Easiest Ever Quiche

Easiest Ever Quiche

April 27, 2016

I'm not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg, but I do KNOW with certainty that after the egg comes the quiche! Our chickens are in full on laying mode right now, so that means we eat A LOT of eggs this time of year. One of my family's favorite egg based meals is, of course, quiche. Quiche is so incredibly simple that it's silly really. I call this a "dump quiche" recipe because you can literally put almost anything in it and it will turn out great every time! This is a fantastic meal for cleaning out the fridge or using up leftovers.

And, because I am one of the people who scrolls through all of those pretty cooking pictures until I get to the recipe {because honestly, that's really all I am interested in} HERE is my basic Easiest Ever Quiche recipe...followed by a few process photos, you know, if you are in to that.

Gathering the ingredients {yes that's a refrigerated pie crust, sorry Martha, this lady isn't great at the pastry making!}.

Covering the bottom of the pie crust with yummy toppings {bacon and onions in my case}. 

Whisking together the eggs, milk, and cheese {swiss for this recipe}

Pouring the egg mixture into the pie crust.

Oops! We were starving and I forgot to snap a photo after baking! Talk about a blogger fail! haha! No matter though, it was obviously delicious!

If you've never made a quiche, I encourage you to try, let me know how you like it!


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