Making Happy {at home}: Welcome


March 21, 2016

Hello & Welcome! My name is Heather & I am so happy you are here!

When I am not writing in this space or drooling over photos of food, you will find me reading a book for the 100th time, tending our 4 chickens, fluffing our nest, hiking with our dog, sitting around the fire drinking wine with friends, or camping with my family.

 I have been blogging in some capacity for around 5 years and the blog has changed and grown and shrunk and died and been reborn as life has happened. I started out detailing our daily life, posting craft ideas, running a small Etsy shop, sharing recipes and snapping photos of our twin boys, until May of 2013 when “regular” life was interrupted by a diagnosis of breast cancer at the age of 35. I was too worried and scared to spend time thinking about crafting and cooking {although, it sure would have been a nice distraction!}, so I began chronicling our family’s journey through breast cancer here. I still return to From Brunette to Bald occasionally. Although it’s been a while since I have written, I leave the blog there both as a reminder of what we have been through and are still going through and as a story that will hopefully help another young mama someday. Today, I finally feel like I am ready to begin “Making Happy” again. It’s surprisingly scary to try and return to “normal” especially when you are far too aware of just how quickly the rug can be yanked out from under you. We just hope and pray every single day for health and try to remain focused on “Getting Busy Living”.

 So on with our story, my husband Matt and I met at a pool hall when he was actually the “crush” of my friend and {now} sister-in-law. At first I was reluctant to go on a date with him because I didn’t want to hurt the feelings of my friend, but I think on some level I must have always known he was “the one” because I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend time with such a great man. No matter though, my friend was smitten with my brother soon after {thanks Weezer!} and they married 5 months before Matt and I. It’s funny how things work out, but it's also wonderful. I’m so glad things ended up the way they did because I can’t imagine doing life with anyone else!

 Two years and some time after getting married Matt and I found out we were expecting twins. I’m not sure why, but neither of us were very surprised by that fact! I had a ROUGH pregnancy where I was essentially on modified bedrest from 13ish weeks until the boys were born early at 30 weeks. Matt stepped up during that time in the best way possible; again, I can’t imagine any other man being my husband or being the father of my children {despite what I might say about Justin Timberlake!}. The boys spent 5 and 6 fairly easy weeks in the NICU and are now happy healthy smart silly CRAZY Kindergartners!

We live 20 minutes from our parents and very close to much of our extended family in the house I landed in before I knew my husband. We have dreams of owning a piece of land, but currently we are loving on our little yellow house which was built on a street that is too busy, with a garage that is too small, and a bathroom that is too singular {Only ONE bathroom!}. But what is it they say about love growing best in small houses? Haha! We share our home with Mabel the Dog and our backyard with four chickens {Elsa, Bertie, Rosie, and Agnes}. We tend a small garden and enjoy plucking tomatoes straight off the vine as a midsummer snack. We are truly doing our best to Make Our Own Happy.

I hope you find a little bit of happy here.

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