Making Happy {at home}: April 2016
easy recipes

Easiest Ever Quiche

April 27, 2016
I'm not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg, but I do KNOW with certainty that after the egg comes the quiche! Our chickens are in full on laying mode right now, so that means we eat A LOT of eggs this time of year. One of my family's favorite egg based meals is, of course, quiche. Quiche is so incredibly...



Making Happy {the List}

April 25, 2016
Friends, this was one of those weekends you picture when you imagine the "perfect weekend". Good food, good weather, great friends, tons of fun and a little relaxation. All the things that make me SO happy. Now that it's Monday and it's easy to feel "blah", I thought it would be a good idea to share a list of what is currently making...



The No Pantry "Pantry" Redo

April 07, 2016
breast cancer

Joy Over Fear

April 01, 2016
I was inspired to join the discussion about fear and how we can sometimes let it overtake our lives, cloud our decisions and steal our joy by the lovely Natalie, of Natalie Creates. Natalie writes openly about the fear and anxiety that comes along with putting everything you have into a new business venture, a venture that will surely bring joy, but also...


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